Diğer Yeni Gelen "Fortnite Quest"i Nasıl Tamamlanır? [OYUNA GEREK YOK]

13 Ocak 2023
Tepkime puanı
- Merhaba, bugün sizlere nasıl yeni gelen Fortine Quest'ini oyun oynamadan tamamlayabileceğinizi anlatacağım. Bu yöntem tamamen güvenilir ve hiçbir riski yok bende şu an kullanıyorum.


1-) Aşağıda verdiğim kod bloğunu kopyalayın.
2-) 'yi buradan indirin.
3-) PTB'yi açın, hesabınıza girin ve ayarlar simgesine basın. Ardından "Hediye Envanteri" kısmından Fortnite Quest'ini kabul edin.
4-) Bir tane ses kanalına girip not defteri ya da her hangi bir şeyi pencere olarak yayına verin ve yan hesabınızı sizle birlikte sese sokun.
5-) CTRL + SHIFT + I kombinasyonunu kullanarak PTB'nin ayarlar sekmesi içerisinde DevTools'u açın.
6-) DevTools'da Console kısmına gelin ve verilen kod bloğunu yapıştırıp enterlayın.

S: "Warning: Don’t paste code into the DevTools Console that you don’t understand or haven’t reviewed yourself. This could allow attackers to steal your identity or take control of your computer. Please type ‘allow pasting’ below and hit Enter to allow pasting." hatası çıkıyor ne yapmalıyım?

A: Consolea ‘allow pasting’ yazıp enterlayın ardından kodu tekrar yapıştırıp enterlayın.

"TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'exports')
at <anonymous>:4:74" hatası alıyorum ne yapmalıyım?

A: Bu hata desteklenmeyen ve eski sürüm bir kod bloğu kullandığınızı gösterir. Verdiğim kod bloğu daha güncel.

S: "You don't have any uncompleted quests!" hatası alıyorum ne yapmalıyım?

A: Bu hata henüz bir Quest kabul etmediğinizi gösterir. Quest'i kabul edip tekrar deneyin.

let wpRequire;
window.webpackChunkdiscord_app.push([[ Math.random() ], {}, (req) => { wpRequire = req; }]);

let ApplicationStreamingStore, RunningGameStore, QuestsStore, ExperimentStore, FluxDispatcher, api
if(window.GLOBAL_ENV.SENTRY_TAGS.buildId === "366c746173a6ca0a801e9f4a4d7b6745e6de45d4") {
    ApplicationStreamingStore = Object.values(wpRequire.c).find(x => x?.exports?.default?.getStreamerActiveStreamMetadata).exports.default;
    RunningGameStore = Object.values(wpRequire.c).find(x => x?.exports?.default?.getRunningGames).exports.default;
    QuestsStore = Object.values(wpRequire.c).find(x => x?.exports?.default?.getQuest).exports.default;
    ExperimentStore = Object.values(wpRequire.c).find(x => x?.exports?.default?.getGuildExperiments).exports.default;
    FluxDispatcher = Object.values(wpRequire.c).find(x => x?.exports?.default?.flushWaitQueue).exports.default;
    api = Object.values(wpRequire.c).find(x => x?.exports?.getAPIBaseURL).exports.HTTP;
} else {
    ApplicationStreamingStore = Object.values(wpRequire.c).find(x => x?.exports?.Z?.getStreamerActiveStreamMetadata).exports.Z;
    RunningGameStore = Object.values(wpRequire.c).find(x => x?.exports?.ZP?.getRunningGames).exports.ZP;
    QuestsStore = Object.values(wpRequire.c).find(x => x?.exports?.Z?.getQuest).exports.Z;
    ExperimentStore = Object.values(wpRequire.c).find(x => x?.exports?.Z?.getGuildExperiments).exports.Z;
    FluxDispatcher = Object.values(wpRequire.c).find(x => x?.exports?.Z?.flushWaitQueue).exports.Z;
    api = Object.values(wpRequire.c).find(x => x?.exports?.tn?.get).exports.tn;

let quest = [...QuestsStore.quests.values()].filter(x => x.userStatus?.enrolledAt && !x.userStatus?.completedAt && new Date(x.config.expiresAt).getTime() > Date.now())[1]
let isApp = navigator.userAgent.includes("Electron/")
if(!isApp) {
    console.log("This no longer works in browser. Use the desktop app!")
} else if(!quest) {
    console.log("You don't have any uncompleted quests!")
} else {
    const pid = Math.floor(Math.random() * 30000) + 1000
    let applicationId, applicationName, secondsNeeded, secondsDone, canPlay
    if(quest.config.configVersion === 1) {
        applicationId = quest.config.applicationId
        applicationName = quest.config.applicationName
        secondsNeeded = quest.config.streamDurationRequirementMinutes * 60
        secondsDone = quest.userStatus?.streamProgressSeconds ?? 0
        canPlay = quest.config.variants.includes(2)
    } else if(quest.config.configVersion === 2) {
        applicationId = quest.config.application.id
        applicationName = quest.config.application.name
        canPlay = ExperimentStore.getUserExperimentBucket("2024-04_quest_playtime_task") > 0 && quest.config.taskConfig.tasks["PLAY_ON_DESKTOP"]
        const taskName = canPlay ? "PLAY_ON_DESKTOP" : "STREAM_ON_DESKTOP"
        secondsNeeded = quest.config.taskConfig.tasks[taskName].target
        secondsDone = quest.userStatus?.progress?.[taskName]?.value ?? 0

    if(canPlay) {
        api.get({url: `/applications/public?application_ids=${applicationId}`}).then(res => {
            const appData = res.body[0]
            const exeName = appData.executables.find(x => x.os === "win32").name.replace(">","")
            const games = RunningGameStore.getRunningGames()
            const fakeGame = {
                cmdLine: `C:\\Program Files\\${appData.name}\\${exeName}`,
                exePath: `c:/program files/${appData.name.toLowerCase()}/${exeName}`,
                hidden: false,
                isLauncher: false,
                id: applicationId,
                name: appData.name,
                pid: pid,
                pidPath: [pid],
                processName: appData.name,
                start: Date.now(),
            FluxDispatcher.dispatch({type: "RUNNING_GAMES_CHANGE", removed: [], added: [fakeGame], games: games})
            let fn = data => {
                let progress = quest.config.configVersion === 1 ? data.userStatus.streamProgressSeconds : Math.floor(data.userStatus.progress.PLAY_ON_DESKTOP.value)
                console.log(`Quest progress: ${progress}/${secondsNeeded}`)
                if(progress >= secondsNeeded) {
                    console.log("Quest completed!")
                    const idx = games.indexOf(fakeGame)
                    if(idx > -1) {
                        games.splice(idx, 1)
                        FluxDispatcher.dispatch({type: "RUNNING_GAMES_CHANGE", removed: [fakeGame], added: [], games: []})
                    FluxDispatcher.unsubscribe("QUESTS_SEND_HEARTBEAT_SUCCESS", fn)
            FluxDispatcher.subscribe("QUESTS_SEND_HEARTBEAT_SUCCESS", fn)
            console.log(`Spoofed your game to ${applicationName}. Wait for ${Math.ceil((secondsNeeded - secondsDone) / 60)} more minutes.`)
    } else {
        let realFunc = ApplicationStreamingStore.getStreamerActiveStreamMetadata
        ApplicationStreamingStore.getStreamerActiveStreamMetadata = () => ({
            id: applicationId,
            sourceName: null
        let fn = data => {
            let progress = quest.config.configVersion === 1 ? data.userStatus.streamProgressSeconds : Math.floor(data.userStatus.progress.STREAM_ON_DESKTOP.value)
            console.log(`Quest progress: ${progress}/${secondsNeeded}`)
            if(progress >= secondsNeeded) {
                console.log("Quest completed!")
                ApplicationStreamingStore.getStreamerActiveStreamMetadata = realFunc
                FluxDispatcher.unsubscribe("QUESTS_SEND_HEARTBEAT_SUCCESS", fn)
        FluxDispatcher.subscribe("QUESTS_SEND_HEARTBEAT_SUCCESS", fn)
        console.log(`Spoofed your stream to ${applicationName}. Stream any window in vc for ${Math.ceil((secondsNeeded - secondsDone) / 60)} more minutes.`)
        console.log("Remember that you need at least 1 other person to be in the vc!")





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